Total Medals Earned: 8 (From 2 different games.) Total Medal Score: 235 Points
Medals Earned: 6/6 (185/185 points)
Win Necrochess.
Get a unit to level three.
Get a spellbook to level three.
Get a building to level three.
Lose a game.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 2/10 (50/425 points)
Reach the church and defeat Ankou.
Aquire a D20 and roll a 20 on it.
Defeat Ankou without using defensive weapons.
Finish the first map without losing any health.
Deal 50 or more damage with a single blow.
Reach the church with only the shovel & the coffin shield
Own 10 coins in a single run.
Have 10 bones in your tray at the same time.
Trigger the critical on the same weapon 3 times in a single turn
Submit a daily score in the top 30.